Hot Potatoes test
In this blog post I present to you 3 sections of a test. The test was designed by other two classmates and me and the items are based around three
reading materials that our learning evaluation’s teacher gave us in the class
and these are:
1. Homework, written by Bhaswati Ghosh.
2. Concept Mapping, written by Tricia Smith,
Ed. D.
3. Evaluation and Grading, written by Peter
Elbow and is a passage from his book "Everyone can write: Essays Toward a
Hopeful Theory of Writing and Teaching Writing"
The test was made with a software called “Hot Potatoes” and it allows
you to create different kinds of activities you can use in tests. Some of the kinds
of exercises you can create with Hot Potatoes are:
1. Fill-in-the-blank activities
2. Cross words
3. Put in order a sentence
4. Matching elements
5. Multiple-choice questions
6. Short-answer questions.
The test has three sections and there are 10 items per section. Each
section concerns a different topic. During the first section, you need to match
the term with the corresponding definition and it´s about types of concept
maps. The second section is a true-or-false activity and you must read the
statements and determine if they are true or if they are false according to the
reading about homework. And last but not least, the final activity is a
fill-in-the-gap exercise and it based on the reading about evaluation and
Here are the links to answer each section:
Matching elements- Concept Mapping
HTM file:
Hot Potatoes file:
True or false- Homework
HTM file:
Hot Potatoes file:
Fill in the gaps- Evaluation and grading
HTM file:
Hot Potatoes file:
Lastly, the experience of designing the test provided me with a bigger understanding of what it implies and how
much time you take doing it. Also Hot Potatoes is a very useful tool to make test
and it’s easy to use.
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