jueves, 8 de junio de 2017

Evaluation- mind map

The main objective of this blog Is to create a portfolio and share all the work that I have have been doing during the course of learning evaluation in an organized way that can show my progress throughout the course and my improvement at the end of it.
The first task in this blog is a mind map about evaluation, which I will explain in the following text

"Evaluation"-mind map 

Evaluation is the systematic gathering of information and it facilitates decision-making and helps determine the value or worth of what you are evaluating. We can evaluate procedures, services, products, classes, teaching, learning, material and many other things.
We can also evaluate communicative competence which consists of four aspects: discourse competence, grammatical competence, socio-linguistic competence and strategic competence.
Evaluation is based on evidence, which in SLT is language, both, written and spoken. However, evaluation is sometimes based on beliefs and there are two types of beliefs: rational beliefs, which are ideas based on evidence; and irrational beliefs, which are ideas that have no evidence.
Evaluation is different in every learning theory, and there are three learning theories: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism.
Behaviorism is the theory that has as purpose habit formation and says that students have learned when their behavior is modified. The behavior is modifies through the association of stimulus-response, and with help of reinforcement, which motivates the learner to keep doing what we consider is a correct behavior.  Congnitivism sees the mind as an information processer and tries to explain how information is received, organized, stored, and retrieved by the mind. And last but not least, constructivism believes that learners construct new ideas and concepts, based on prior knowledge, it prepares students to problem solve in an active and collaborative environment.
Some conditions that influence our learning process are the exposure to the target language, the opportunities you have to use the language, motivation, and instruction.  

Lastly, evaluation is really important in education an it can be helpful for both, teachers and students, and it's vital that they are aware of it's importance and that evaluation is not just giving grades because it's a requirement but it is a process  that helps us make decisions and improve. 

1 comentario:

  1. Hi! Your map and your information are really clear, your map is full of images that are related to the topic and the subtopics. And I think that your text is complete and has the necessary information. The paragraph where it says " Evaluation is based on evidence" and then "however evaluation" maybe you can use connectors just to avoid repeating the same word :)
