martes, 13 de junio de 2017

Communicative competence video

Hello, in the following video I talked about a concept that has a lot of influence in the way we approach language teaching and language learning, and that concept is COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE. I also explained what linguistic competence, and why choosing to focus on communicative competence rather than in linguistic competence is more useful. I talked about the five strands of communicative competence and I talked a little bit of syllabuses and their relationship with communicative competence.

I got to the conlusion that the desired outcome of the language learning process is the ability to communicate competently and effectively, not the ability to use the language exactly as a native speaker does or just learn the grammatical and phonetic rules of the language. And that we, the teachers, should organize our syllabuses to help students reach that goal. 

5 comentarios:

  1. The verb "Talked" is not only informal but a very mexican way to say you have covered something as well.

  2. First of all, I recommend you to make a double check of your text once you have finished it so you can detect possible mistakes done while you were writing.
    Second, I could see that you had some grammar issues in some parts of your paragraph, like missing the use of a verb in the third line of it. (I also explained what communicative competence IS...)
    Finally, I would like to recommend you to avoid using the same verb more than once and try to use synonyms (you repeated "talked"), and all the verbs you use you must write them in infinitive or present if you are writing an introduction.

  3. Hi Diana! :) I think you did a great job! I reccommend you to look for more connectors in order to avoid repetitions. For example, in the conclusion part you can use "Also" or "Then" to connect the last two sentences (And that we, the teachers).

  4. I like how you organized the information. The only think that could be improved is your parallelism, in some parts of your speech topics come out suddenly.

  5. Hello, Diana. Well, even when the video is short I think you organized the information and explained it in an understandable way. In your text, you repeated "talked" more than once so maybe you can use synonyms. And in your conclusion you could write how did you feel with your final product.
    See you!
